Simply put, it is hands on service. We form your corporation simply to gaina client. We are providing this at less than our cost. Please not this fee does not include state filing fees and delivery fees which usually run about $145 total.
Do It Yourself Website – You can spend $400 with a do it yourself website and have some forms send to you, perhaps even have some forms mailed on your behalf. However, you will not get a seasoned professional who can guide you not only on how to send your forms off but how to actually get setup and begin running your corporation. Again, we provide this as a very low cost under the assumption we become your tax professional.
Attorney – Typically attorneys charge far more than we do. This makes sense because they may not have any follow up work. They need to charge for their time on this one service because you may not be a future customer. We offer our service assuming we will be working with you for many years.
Actually yes there is. Surprised? We charge you a deposit of an additional $250 that is credited against your first year’s tax preparation. This is the real deal. We provide you with a fixed fee tax prep template. This is the same template we use for existing clients so we are not inflating our fees to accommodate this deposit. When we prepare your first year’s business entity tax return we credit this deposit against our fixed fee. In essence, if you have us form your business entity and then choose another tax preparer then your real fee would be $400. Still a deal for the direct hands on service. If you have us do your tax preparation then you truly had your corporation formed for $150 plus state fees and delivery fees.